1454 Main Street Louise, MS 39097
Primary Care
Regular checkups are key to keeping you healthy! Visit the clinic for screenings, disease management, and health education.
Not feeling well? Don’t put off care, we’re here to help. The clinic also offers free covid and flu tests.
Take care of yourself and your partners and get screened today.
Including shingles, flu, HPV (for people aged 18-45), tetanus booster, and more. Please call ahead to make sure that we have your vaccine in stock!
Women’s Healthcare
The clinic offers family planning including the implant and IUDs. There are over 100 forms of birth control on the market - we can help you find the right one for you.
Whether you’re currently pregnant or recently had a baby, we’re here to help. The Louise clinic is not a birthing center but we will work closely with your OB to make sure you get what you need for a healthy pregnancy and future.
Women over the age of 21 should get a Pap smear every 3-5 years. If your Pap smear is abnormal (showing signs of cervical cancer), we also offer colposcopies and LEEP procedures.
We also offer the HPV vaccine for people up to age 45.
Free ultrasounds for pregnancy dating and confirmation of complete miscarriages.
Now offering school physicals!
We know how hard it is to balance care for yourself and your child - when you visit the clinic on kids and caregiver days, we can see you both in the same appointment, for kids and caregivers of all ages.
These days focus on moms and babies up to one year post partum and include lactation consultants.
Now offering all childhood vaccines
The Louise Community Pharmacy fills prescriptions - most prescriptions are absolutely free including insulin, inhalers, epi pens, family planning, blood pressure medication, diabetes medication, and more.
We also fill prescriptions from other providers - please call to learn more!
We also have a free monthly dental clinic offering cleanings and extractions (pulling teeth) for kids and adults!
Call to schedule an appointment or walk in